Park Run Meet-Ups

Back in the days of the mid 1970s, where flared jeans, long hair and a moustache were essential, a love of prog rock recommended, and there was often a scent of days of patchouli oil in the air, we both, albeit in different years at KES, represented the School at Cross Country. Barry was undoubtedly the much faster runner then (as indeed he still is!).

Following the ‘Old Edwardians News in Brief’ in the 2022 Gazette, where we were both coincidentally featured, the two of us (who didn’t really know each other at KES) recently made contact as it seemed that we still shared a common interest in running.  Barry has maintained a love for cross country and fell running, supplemented by orienteering (he is currently Chairman of Orienteering England) whereas Paul still does triathlons, as well as some running. We are both privileged to have represented our country in various age group events.

With Barry based in Kenilworth and Paul in Repton, South Derbyshire, we have met up a couple of times on Saturday morning Park Runs for a run and a reminisce. We particularly enjoy having a cup of coffee and piece of cake afterwards, laughing as we swop the inevitable KES memories   (above all the waving flag above Sapientia one end of term).

If other OEs, of whatever generation, might be interested in a Park Run meet up in the Birmingham/Midlands area could they please email Debbie on and she will forward on to us.


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