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Terms and Conditions for offering careers support

I understand by offering careers support through the OE Careers Network that I agree to abide by these terms and conditions:

1. General. I understand that I may be contacted by former pupils ("Old Edwardians") or current pupils who are looking for information on my industry or profession (for careers mentoring, work placements / internships or business start-up advice) or the university I am studying at (for university mentors) and I am willing to share my experiences.

2. Security. Only Old Edwardians and current pupils will have access to my details via a secure website. My contact details will not be displayed and will only be made available by the Development & Old Edwardian Association ("OEA") Office to those who wish to contact me.

3. Confidentiality. I agree to keep confidential any details of Old Edwardians or current pupils that contact me or any other information made known to me as a result of the OE Careers Network. I agree only to use these details for the purpose of the OE Careers Network. I understand those accessing the support will also be required to keep information confidential as a condition of taking part.  If any breach of confidentiality does occur please note that neither the OEA or King Edward's School ("The School") will be liable and no claim can be made against them.

4. Mentoring. The communications that take place between mentor (careers mentor or university mentor) and mentee are entirely the responsibility of the mentor and mentee and should be conducted with due care at all times. The OEA and King Edward's School ("the School") do not accept any responsibility for these communications.

5. Work placements / internships. Any work experience or internship offered is solely an agreement between the provider (the person or company offering the work placement or internship) and the user (the person accessing this work placement or internship). Any legal checks required (e.g. CRB checks) and child protection issues are solely the responsibility of the provider and the user (unless the work experience is being offered as part of the school's Fifths work experience programme, in which case the school will use a third party to arrange these checks). The OEA and the School do not accept any responsibility for any work placement or internship that is set up through the OE Careers Network (apart from the Fifths work experience programme).

6. Business start-up advice. The communications that take place between the advisor and the OE or student being advised are entirely the responsibility of the advisor and advisee and should be conducted with due care at all times. I agree to keep any business information that is discussed during these communications confidential. It is the sole responsibility of the advisor and advisee to draw up any 'Non-Disclosure Agreements' before the communications begin. The OEA and the School do not accept any responsibility for these communications.

7. Removal from the network. I understand that I can remove myself from the OE Careers Network or a particular careers support activity at any time. The OEA and the School also reserve the right to remove anyone from the Network who they consider are abusing it.  However neither the OEA or the School are obliged to monitor the situation and no claim can be made against them should any abuse occur.